I am a Republican

I am the Republican that Republicans hate, and Democrats tolerate.

I became a Republican in 1982 when I did not know what a Republican was. One day, while at the 24th Street BART station, a young man registered people to vote. He approached and asked if I was registered. I replied, "No," and he encouraged me to fill out a registration card.

When he looked over what I filled out for accuracy, he noticed that I had checked the box for "Republican" and tried to get me to change to Democrat. I refused, and he got rude. (Coincidentally, I heard a similar story of a Republican being disrespectful to a Democrat)

Anyway, I went home, looked up the definitions of both words and saw no need to change my party. Forty years later, I can honestly say that I am the most embarrassed Republican in America. So, why not change? Answer: I am not the one who changed, and my opinions have never been my politics.

For instance, I am pro-life and a homosexual. As silly as it is for a politician or government to have power over a woman’s body, no homosexual on earth should be telling a woman what to do with her body. Therefore, my opinion will remain in the closet until a pregnant woman asks me for advice.

Furthermore, about gun rights, I believe a person should have the right to own a gun. But three of my nephews have been shot in the head seven years apart by people who should not have owned a gun. I could go on, but I think you get the point.

It is my opinion that Republicans today act more like heretics and heathens in support of one now-convicted felon than that of a Christian. Remember, this is my opinion. And while I’m on the subject, I have heard the asinine hopes of some Republicans efforts and wishes to make this country a “Christian nation.” To that I say, Jesus Christ has never forced his will on me, and he never will. I am a Christian based on my life’s experiences. And if Christianity was forced on me, I would not has chosen this faith.

If you care, I tell a compelling, true story on how God loved me, a homosexual, in my autobiography, Case Game — Activating the Activist 2010.

My politics is rooted in respect for all people's views, and I will not allow my opinion to stand in the way of what is best for the country.

I do not regret voting for Bush twice, Obama twice, and Biden. The politics of these three men lined up with what I thought was best for the country. Locally, I support Mayor London Breed 99% as the best person positioned to lead San Francisco, even though I have a bone to pick with her on a few issues.

“The greatest peace of mind you will ever enjoy is when you mind your own business.” — Author unknown