Tents to Town Cars or Cadillacs

Some of the things I did while living in a vehicle: I always voted. I wrote and self-published a book. For three years I did a weekly TV program with SF public access TV. I wrote a ballot measure that received 98,000 “Yes” votes in the June 2018 special election. And of course, I always kept myself and vehicle clean.

San Francisco can easily and greatly reduce the number of tents/tent encampments from our sidewalks by simply purchasing older gas guzzling luxury cars (Remove engines for more storage space) and using them as temporary shelters. I got the idea as a result of living in my new pickup truck for ten years. Medium post.

It’s not a hard call: If you became homeless, would you rather take shelter in a tent or a Town Car or a Cadillac?

For those who subscribe to the belief that no one should be homeless or that everyone deserves a home, I have a counter argument: Not all who are homeless can handle living in or maintain an apartment or traditional shelter.

It’s a lot more humane than what has begun and reported by Mission Local.

My latest warning comes from the SF Standard. The homeless and the city are playing “Musical Chairs” with our sidewalks. That is no way to solve this problem.

Advice from my dear late pastor: She told me about a time when she was experiencing heavy winds as she raced to safety. The winds were so strong she realized she could not run and keep her dress down at the same time. So, she let the wind do whatever it would do to her dress while she ran to safety. "You can't always be proper" was her point.

My advice:

San Francisco should not be trying to keep its dress down while trying to get control of what is out of control.

You don’t have to have a disability like me to be stopped by the homeless who even in desperation deserve privacy and dignity.

NOTE: If the city does not commit to keeping these “Shelters cars” clean, don’t blame me when they turn into junk yard rejects.